Cicciobello’s Safe Sun Message with Sunny

Back in October we were lucky enough to review the Cicciobello Rumbly Tumbly Doll which is still one of Eliza’s favourite dolls and now Sebastian has taken to him too.

Now Cicciobello have launched a new doll Sunny, but he is not just a doll, he teaches children and parents about the dangers the sun brings and how to be safe and responsible in it.  It does this through the colour-changing properties of a UV pendant for him to wear and a bracelet for the child.

Like many dolls, Cicciobello Sunny has hair, moving eyes and is fully articulated, but there’s one thing this doll has that is unique – the ability to tan!

Cicciobello Sunny

We took Cicciobello Sunny out with us into the garden and as he is exposed to light his skin colour takes on a golden tone.  Marks appear on his face and body around the sunglasses and T-shirt and magically vanish when the doll is no longer exposed to sunlight.

Cicciobello Sunny

The longer left in the sun, the darker Sunny goes which shows Eliza and Isaac why it’s so important to make sure he is wearing sun cream, and by following his rules children will also become used to having suncream put on sunny days too.  What’s more he even comes with UV sensitive accessories, for him and his owner to help them monitor when they should cover up or have had enough rays for the day.

Cicciobello Sunny

Although Cicciobello Sunny is meant for fun and his colour changing properties are exciting to children, he comes with a serious message too, and has opened up a valuable discussion between Eliza, Isaac and me about the importance of a sun care regime. The doll also comes with an informative guide both for parent and child about how to prevent sunburn and its ensuing health effects. By following Cicciobello’s rules children can learn about why the daily routine is necessary and make it a fun part of playing outside.   

10 thoughts on “Cicciobello’s Safe Sun Message with Sunny”

  1. This is such a clever idea. I find it really difficult to try and get through to my eldest about the dangers of the sun. I’m going to have to get this to take on our next holiday x

  2. This is actually incredibly clever, and a great way to help teach children about the dangers of too much sun exposure. My daughter had the walking Cicciobello when she was younger, I am sure she will be retrieved from the attic any time now for the baby!


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