Saturday is Caption Day – 12th March 2016 #satcap

Hello and welcome to Saturday is Caption Day #satcap.

If you have not taken part before please come and join in. Simply find a funny / cheeky / captionable photo and upload it to your blog or instagram with a sentence or three about it. Then link it up with me below and visit the other people who link up and have a giggle as you come up with some humourous captions!

Yesterday I spent the day helping to set up my BIL’s girlfriend, surprise 21st birthday party and the kids couldn’t wait to get partying. I think we may have a new Mark Ronson on the scene, as Isaac spent most of the evening DJ’ing and entertaining the crowd.

Can you caption this?

DJ Isaac


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10 thoughts on “Saturday is Caption Day – 12th March 2016 #satcap”

  1. some really fab pictures, have to poorly kids at the moment so sadly my photos wouldnt be that great right now however as soon as theyll better ill be returning to link up πŸ™‚


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