My children have all gone to the same primary school which means that I have had at least one child in the school for 18 years and we still have another 7 to go, unless we move.
I like to think in those 18 years I have done my best to help out in one way or another, helping out in the classroom, at school events and for charity.
Since becoming a SAHM I decided to devote more time to raising money for the school and made the decision to join the parents and friends association, whom help raise much-needed funds to support children’s learning and raise money for equipment for the school, but this month, after what can only be described as consistent bullying I made the tough decision to give up.
I have written this blog a thousand times in my head and questioned if it is something I should really publish, but, it needs to be said that playground bullies are not always the children.
I don’t want to go into details about what went on, suffice to say that I was deliberately excluded from vital information, was accused of being unprofessional in front of the head teacher (something that really offended me as I am nothing but professional, especially when it comes to writing) and even subject to rude and somewhat abusive phone calls.
Some of the team were, and still are fabulous, but this one person made me dread meetings and events and as a volunteer I should not be feeling this way. Personalities clash I will admit, but not on this level and I should not be made to cry trying to make the school a better place for my children to attend.
The final straw was the annual general meeting where I had warned them I would be late as Isaac had his water polo lesson. The nominations and vote were taken whilst I was on my way, I had text to let them know, and my nominations were not even read out and therefore not considered.
I feel guilty that I have been forced out of helping my children’s school reach its full potential, but for my own peace of mind I cannot go on. I am proud of the thousands of pounds we have raised and what they have been spent on and hope that one day I will get the chance again.
This week is anti-bullying week, sometimes it is worth remembering that we should treat each other with respect, especially when role models to our children.
Hold your head up high hun. I know the school you are talking about and its not the first time i have heard of a bully (not the children). One day it will come back to haunt that person for being mean.
You are great at what you do so don’t give up.
I hope you get a chance to do so too, but it sounds like you have made the right decision for now. It’s certainly true that although most people are supportive, some can get a bit power-crazed and unpleasant and sometimes, although it’s hard, you have to move away for the sake of your sanity. Hope you’re okay. Hope it helped to write it all down too.
You are doing a great job, don’t let people who are bullies try and make you insure.
Well you are so much better than them anyway, how childish are they for taking a vote knowing you wouldn’t be there! x
That is awful. It’s amazing how fast you can feel like you are back in the playground when a group of mum’s get together. Well done for getting out of it with your head held high.
Oh this is awful – I am so sorry you have been treated this way. I can’t believe how bullying some adults are π Kaz x
Why do these things seem to turn into a power struggle. People soon forget the reason they have come together and make it about themselves. It’s such a shame you can’t be involved, and they have lost a valuable member and supporter
Yeah this is nuts! I still don’t get peoples actions especially like this and after being bullied at school I now don’t have time for this type of action at all and I am very quick to nip it in the bud by being very upfront. It’s so tricky though as it’s all dependent on the type of the person/people you’re dealing with. I hope you’re ok and it gets sorted soon as this is no fun x
I am sorry that you have been treated this way Kara, you definitely don’t deserve it especially when you are only trying to do good things for the sake of the school. I hate bullying of any description but you’d like to think that adults should know better. Chin up, you are most definitely the better person xx