Hello and welcome to this weeks #satcap
If you have not taken part before please come and join in. Simply find a funny / cheeky / captionable photo and upload it to your blog with a sentence or three about it. Then link it up with me below and visit the other people who link up and have a giggle as you come up with some humourous captions!
I help run a local networking group called Lemur Linkup which offers social media advise to businesses and bloggers and this week we had a meeting to discuss topics for the next few month. We hold our sessions in Lemur Landings soft play centre so people can come with their small people and Sebby loves coming with me. Not sure he wanted to input anything to our meeting judging by his face here.
Can you caption this?
[inlinkz_linkup id=575508 mode=1]
This is my social media policy
This is what I think of bloggers ;p
(Very cute picture!)
Haha I get to play with cars and you don’t π
Yeahhh, I’m just too cool for school, sitting here on this roof!
My mind is blank – not enough coffee!
Cute picture though and looks like quite the character which is as it should be
David Cameron can’t pick anyone sensible to run his transport department so he asked me. Now all trucks need to line up where I say!
Tidy up, I don’t think so!
Smile, I don’t think so!
Play with my toys, I don’t think so!
Give you a kiss, I don’t think so!
Here Mum, this is for you!