Back to School #tipsandtricks

We are halfway through the summer holidays and it’s time to start thinking about the kids going back to school as it will soon creep on you if you are not careful.

Having successfully negotiated school life from nursery through primary and on to secondary school and sixth form there are some tips and tricks that I have learned along the way!

My first and the biggest tip I have is to not leave buying school uniform until the last minute. Invariably you won’t be able to find the size or style you are looking for which is especially important if you have a teenage girl to please. Even shopping online doesn’t guarantee that the items will be in stock if you leave it until the last minute.

If you child isn’t keen on shopping then add an incentive – perhaps let them choose their new school bag, lunchbox or stationary to try to make the experience more fun.

School shoe shopping can be painful, especially when your turn up to see a sea of harassed parents all with the same idea. Trying to keep bored children in check whilst waiting for your turn can be a nightmare, but there is a solution. Clarks now offer an appointment service and you get seen to immediately – no waiting at all although be prepared for envious stares as you jump the queues.

New school shoes can be uncomfortable at first so get the kids to wear them around the house so they are used to wearing them a couple of weeks before they start school.

Haircuts are another thing it is important to get done a couple of weeks before they start school, especially for boys where you turn up and wait for your turn rather than make an appointment. Expect queues a mile long in the last few days of the school holidays.

The most painful part about going back to school, especially for teens, is having to get up early again. My teen is currently waking around midday so I would recommend you start moving bedtime / wake-up time about half an hour earlier per day from a week before they go back to school so their body clock is almost back to the school routine before they start.

Good Luck and I hope the back to school journey is as pain-free as possible!

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