Have you seen that Pink Lining are recruiting for ambassadors?
I lusted after a pink lining changing bag for years as my best friend had one and I finally got my very own Pink Lining ruck sack last year. It is safe to say it goes everywhere with us now as not only is it practical, but it looks great too. It always makes me smile when we are stopped in the middle of the forest or beach by people asking where it is from.
My family and I love the great outdoors and are often seen trekking around the New Forest or exploring the famous Jurassic coastline of Dorset, but what are the items I don’t leave home without?
Top of my list is my First Aid Kit. It is not massive but I have squeezed in some calpol sachets, dressings, a sling, plasters, antiseptic spray and wipes. It is just what we need for any scraped knees or wasp stings and beats using a baby’s blanket fashioned into a sling (yes, I have actually done that when my son broke his wrist).
The next thing on my list are baby wipes. Yes, they are a necessity for changing dirty bottoms but they can be used to clean mucky hands and faces. When we are out and about we get down and dirty with nature, digging in mud and splashing in muddy puddles and having baby wipes means I can clean the kids up before they get back in the car. My kids have been known to fall over in a puddle, leap into a ditch full of water and even jump so hard in a puddle they get a face full of muddy water!
Following on from the above, spare clothes. Not just underwear, but I take spare trousers, tops and even socks on our days out. I really need to invent wellies where water cannot spill inside them!
Because a lot of places we visit do not have facilities onsite I also take anti-bac gel to ward off any nasties that the kids may touch.
Food and drink! I cannot leave the house without packing some sort of assortment of goodies as guaranteed you will get the “I’m Hungry!” or “I’m Thirsty” cheep before you have barely stepped out of the car. If it is a full day out I will do a full picnic, but if it is just an afternoon of fun then it will just be an assortment of snacks to keep the troops going.
Another esssential is my camera. I have a DSLR camera which I do take with me fairly often but my iPhone is good enough for most days out and I often get footage of the kids playing which I then tinker with and upload to YouTube once we are home and clean.
Finally, my last essential item is an empty carrier bag. Idea for putting muddy boots or soiled clothes in so your car doesn’t get covered in muck!
This is my application to become a Pink Lining Ambassador.
What’s in your bag when you go on days out?
Oh I remember the days of having a pack packed full of in case items. Thankfully I can travel light most of the time now!
I’d like to travel lighter, but I hate leaving things like my camera behind.
Everybody else seems to leave the house empty handed except for me! I have a rucksack with clothes, wipes, food, purses, wallets, cameras, phones and goodness knows what else!
Oh I love the things you pack – very sensible. I had an AWFUL blag soul-less shoulder bag nappy bag when Aaron was a baby and would LOVE a Pink Lining one for this second baby. Thanks for letting us know that they are looking for ambassadors. You always make such beautiful photo collages.
Liska @NewMumOnline x
Oh nooooooooooo the deadline was yesterday. Ah well xx
Oh love your rucksack, what a cool design. And yes, those are pretty much my essentials too – definitely the wipes!
The Pink Lining stuff is fab isn’t it! I remember seeing their change bags when Wilf was born after a girl in a cafe had one I liked so much I had to go over and ask her who it was by! Good luck with the ambassador program x
Ah yes, we’ve used a muslin and a Zara summer scarf as slings – oh the glamour! I have to admit one of my ‘can’t live without items’ is unfortunately my diary, whilst I’m the queen of tech and believe we should streamline our processes as much as possible I still rely on a Moleskin which is like my bible x
Good love with the ambassadorship! I just love their bags! We always take spare clothes everywhere as my little one is forever getting messy. It always feels like I have to pack a suitcase before I leave the house!
I literally pack everything when we go out – just in case! xx