The Magna Carta Fayre

It has been over a year in planning but our Magna Carta Fayre was held yesterday and I am so proud to announce that it was a roaring success.

June 15th is the 800th anniversary of the signing of Magna Carta at Runnymede. This was a momentous event in English history that has resonated around the world and has interesting links to Poole. William Longespee, King John’s half brother and 14thcentury Baron, was also the Lord of the Manor of Canford and he granted a charter to the people of Poole. His place in the Magna Carta negotiations are marked in the streets around where we live.

The children took a week out of normal lessons to learn about and do Magna Carta themed artwork and we were blown away by the quality of their work, much of which was displayed at our Medieval themed Fayre.

Magna Carta Fayre

There are not many of us on the school PFA but we all pulled together and organised the biggest event the school has ever seen, with the help of the children, parents, teachers and friends of the school.  We started setting up at 9am with castle walls and shields, ready for the fayre to be opened by the Poole Town Crier and local AFC Bournemouth legend Steven Fletcher.

Magna Carta Fayre

Everyone got to sign our Magna Carta on the way in and it was lovely to see members of the wider community there as well as families who attended the school.

Many of the children also made the effort to dress up for the occasion and got to try their hand at making catapults and peg dolls, taking part in an archaeological dig, as well as joining in with some jousting fun, archery, circus skills or chilling out in the story telling area.

Magna Carta Fayre

We saw displays from Poole Reenactment Society and South Wilts Falconry, as well as performances of Medieval dancing, Samba drums and a choir performance from the school children.

Food wise we had the most delicious Hog Roast as well as more modern donuts, candy floss, ice cream and those all important cakes.  No children’s event would be without a face painter too!

Magna Carta Fayre

As I was helping out, the kids were there all day and had a whale of time – I cannot believe how quickly the time went.  I don’t think we will be able to hold an event this size again, but it was well worth all the effort.

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

21 thoughts on “The Magna Carta Fayre”

  1. The children did a wonderful job, I can’t believe all the artwork and activities on offer. I bet that took so much organising but it looks like no hardship for your children to have enjoyed their day there. Great photos and a huge effort on many of the costumes, especially your own. Thank you for sharing on Country Kids.

  2. Oh, wow, what a wonderful, wonderful display of ingenuity, creativity and respect for history! Well done to both children and parents, great team effort!xx


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