My Little Gnasher

Sebastian is now the grand old age of 13 months and is doing new things on a daily basis.  Frustratingly he still point-blank refuses to say mum, mama or anything that vaguely sounds like it begins with the letter “M”.  He has Dada down to a tee though!

My little Gnasher is gaining teeth a quite an alarming rate, with two or three coming through at a time which brings with it its own set of problems.

He wants to bite EVERYTHING!

I have tried everything!

  • Ashton and Parson’s Teething Powder
  • Amber Anklet
  • Calpol
  • Ibruprofen
  • Bongela on a toothbrush for him to chomp on
  • Anbesol
  • Teething rings

Nothing will stop my little stealth ninja for chomping down on a body part and his particular favourite seems to be your toes………Daddy has yet to learn that keeping his feet on the floor is safer and the yelp that came out of him when he felt those razor sharp teeth is rather amusing!

13 months

At Camp Bestival we put Sebastian in his travel cot to ensure he didn’t escape the tent and he has now started cruising too, which now means that he also attacks knees, legs and fingers.  If you pick him up for a cuddle, beware of the shoulder or chin chomp……nothing is safe!

The only teether we have found that eases his pain is this massaging teether from Munchkin,which vibrates and massages gums.  Sebastian just has to bite to activate vibration!

Now he is on the move I have started to notice that he is losing some of his chunkiness, although not those gorgeous cheeks.

He adores playing with cars, with his particular favourite one being a friction powered Cici from Roary the Racing car!  He powers it up and chases it across the lounge!

Being 13 months there is one thing I am dreading…….his MMR which we have booked in for next week – wish me luck!!

If you have any teething tips, please let me know as I will try anything to help him with his sore gums!!



17 thoughts on “My Little Gnasher”

  1. Aw bless him, my nephew was a biter and my Sister-in-law had a necklace sent to her which was made of some sort of wood that he could bite and chew to his hearts content x

  2. I have to say we never had any issues with teething, apart from one having a very sore bottom. They were probably overshadowed by the ongoing reflux/gastro problems. My daughter didn’t get any teeth until she was 16 months!

  3. He is so gorgeous!!! 🙂 Seems donkeys years ago that mine were teething! I used Dentinox Gel I think and it seemed to work for mine xx

  4. I used to use a tiny bit of clove oil rubbed on the gums – smells a bit but works well. You can use it on grown up tooth ache too! I think it was Dentogen Clove Oil Gel – and good luck!

  5. Teething powders are the one thing I’ve found that helped, but I see you’ve already tried them. The only other comfort I can offer is that at least it sounds like he’s getting through it all quickly, and once those teeth are out then you’re done, and neither of you have to go through the experience again.


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