The Alphabet Project – B is for Bike

I couldn’t decide what I wanted to take a picture of for my “B” photo.

I toyed with brothers and boys, but after a couple of days at Bournemouth Wheels Festival I decided it just has to be Bike!

The Wheels Festival is a new even that will be held each year on the second Bank Holiday in May, following on from the success of Bournemouth Air Festival. Β We saw cars old and new, but the main attraction were the displays – we saw rally cars speeding over the sandy beach, monster trucks crushing old cars and these nutters on their bikes, literally flying through the air!

I give you a bike!



21 thoughts on “The Alphabet Project – B is for Bike”

  1. Oh my goodness that’s absolutely incredible Kara! Must have been such a great event to go to. Awesome! So tricky having lots of choice for letters although I’m sure we won’t be saying that when we get to Q – thinking an adjective might be good then! Brilliant capture. Thanks for sharing with #alphabetphto

  2. oh wow great pics, i am so scared of motor bikes, even though my husband loved them and bought our son one a small real one for his 2nd birthday, x


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