I have two teenage boys and seem to find shopping for things they like is getting increasingly difficult.
Back in the summer I went shopping for Callan’s prom suit and found it a real challenge finding something that a) Fits b) looked how he wanted it to look. Thankfully, after much searching we found him a suit and he got to wear it again for Sebastian’s Christening.

Gone are the days of being able to pick up a pair of trousers and a top in the local Supermarket or Primark. Now it is all about the right look and the right label – Hype in Callan’s case (no, I hadn’t heard of it either).
From hating shopping with a passion, now both boys could spend hours in JD Sports trying on Nike High Top Trainers and adding (admittedly gorgeous) clothing to their ever increasing want list. I have to admit I may have “borrowed” one of Callan’s particularly nice hoodies.
I know most teenagers go through this and I had a similar challenge when Abbey was younger, but how do you manage your teens ever growing list?
My two get an allowance which they have to manage on a monthly basis. Very often they will try and get more out of us but we have got wise to the doe eyes and the begging. Callan now has a job, which although doesn’t bring him in a huge amount, its better than nothing. Kian is too young to work, although he does have his name down on the list for a local paper round, although the list is as long as my arm. He talks a good game when it comes to chores at home, but he rarely does them.
Birthday’s and Christmas seem to be the time that they get clothes and shoes, although I do keep my eyes peeled for special offers or sales.
JD Sports isn’t just for the kids though. Hubby spent a small fortune in there on Lacoste polo shirts before his trip to Las Vegas with the boys last summer, but even I have to admit that they were worth it as they wash beautifully and have kept their shape and colour. I bought him and Isaac a new Chelsea football shirt for Christmas and Abbey a snapback cap, so there is something for everyone.