When I worked for a supermarket I relied on having my watch with me at all times and was lost without it.
These days I haven’t used a watch for what feels like forever, but I have fallen head over heels for the Ice Watch and have dropped numerous hints to hubby that I want the teal one for Christmas.
Isaac (5) has been asking for a big boys watch for sometime and Peers Hardy have been kind enough to send me a Tikkers watch to review.
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I have been a fan of Tikkers watches for some time. The straps are made from a thick rubber with good quality fastening and they feel solid and durable – a must with children.
There is also plenty of wrist growing room in the well made strap. I am confident that Isaac’s will last him well as it is on the tightest setting.
Peers Hardy have generously offered one of my readers the chance to win the Moshi Monster watch worth £12.99 below:
Terms & Conditions can be found in the Rafflecopter form below
a Rafflecopter giveawayWin competitions at ThePrizeFinder.com
Pink Poppet for my youngest daughter!
Black Diavlo
The blue one looks fab
Red is a fab colour.
Red please
Black Diavlo I think all fab though
Pink Poppet
Pink poppet!
Black Diablo! YAY
I have a little boy who would love the Black and Green
the red one
the pink poppet, my daughter would love it
Katsuma Charm Watch including Snookums and Dorris Charms
Black Diablo
Pink Poppet
black diavlo
Pink Poppet
Evie would love the Katsuma Charm Watch.
The Black Diavlo
The Black Diavlo is cool!
black diablo
the blue one
(kim neville)
The pink poppet
blue please
My girls would love a pink Moshi monsters watch.
Definitely Katsuma! 🙂
Pink Poppet
The Zommer Charm Watch is cool & I think my son would love it.
Pink poppet @Amezeylady
Zommer charm watch!
Pink for my Princess 🙂 x
pink poppet
Black Diavlo Charm Watch 🙂 x
Pink Poppet for my Moshi Monster niece 😉
By the way, is there a better way to enter your great giveaways. It takes so long to enter on Rafflecopter and I’d much rather spend the time reading your brilliant blog? 🙂
Luvli charm watch
Black Diavlo
Pink poppet
Black Diavlo
http://www.moshiwatch.com/products/watches/poppet-charm-watch–extra-strap2/ My daughter would love the poppet charm watch
Red please
pink poppet
Black Diavlo
black diavio
kay panayi
Pink Poppet watch
Black Diablo
Pink poppet as have 2 girls
black Diavlo Please !!!
pink poppet
Pink Poppet 🙂
Pink Poppet x
Pink Poppet
Diavlo Charm watch
The Luvli charm watch
The Pink Poppet 😀
The Poppet Charm watch looks perfect 🙂
my son would love the zommer watch 🙂
Pink Poppet is so cute
Luvli Charm Watch! Very cute 🙂
The Diavlo Charm Watch is my favourite
Pink Poppet
Pink Poppet
pink poppet charm watch
Pink Poppet
Black Diablo