I like nothing more than to receive a beautiful bouquet of flowers. It really cheers the house up too, so when Debenhams Baby Gifts & Flowers asked if I would like to review one of their gifts I really could not turn it down!
They arrived in a huge box when hubby was in Las Vegas so perfect timing to cheer me up!
I couldn’t wait to see what was inside and I wasn’t disappointed………
Pure white roses alongside rustic blue thistles – perfect for a gift for a new mum and baby boy. Also in the package was the cutest Rufus Rabbit Romper organic cotton romper and hat set – I cannot wait to use this!
I have had the flowers for 10 days now and they are just starting to wilt, so have lasted well.
Their new mum and baby gift range is gorgeous and perfect if you can’t decide what gift to get. You can choose from pamper sets to clothing and even cute Rufus Rabbit comforters, all with a beautiful bouquet of flowers too and with guaranteed next day delivery if you order by 4pm, you can’t go wrong!
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