Project 365 – 16/52

Thankfully this week has been much quieter and we have slowly been preparing for our upcoming holiday. I’m slightly regretting doing a countdown as the youngest two don’t understand and are constantly asking if its holiday today – Isaac was even up at 5am this morning and had a slight meltdown when he realised it wasn’t today.

It’s an early start tomorrow as we are driving to Ebbsfleet, so I am hoping that we manage to get the kids into bed fairly early so we can make the last minute preparations as it is also Isaac’s birthday when we are away!

So, without further ado here are this weeks pictures:

103. Stopped for a rest after a run along the beach
104. Playing Knights
105. Making the most of Daddy being home for the school run
106. A trip to see Ben & Holly live
107. Unintentional sensory play with polystyrene balls
108. Please can someone teach her to steer
109. Someone has learned to blow bubbles with a straw!

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

17 thoughts on “Project 365 – 16/52”

  1. lobe the knight. Daddy on the school run looks a great use for daddy, kids like that sort of out of the ordinary routine.

  2. Oh God, the steering! It’s driving me mad with The Boy when he’s scooting. He looks at his feet all the time and steers into people, benches, puddles, ducks, trees, you name it!

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.

  3. It’s so cute when they first start blowing bubbles with their straws. Then for some reason it gets quite annoying!
    Lovely photos πŸ™‚

  4. the unintentional sensory play photo had me in stitches when i saw it on instagram the other day lol
    your daughter does pull such fantastic faces – she always shows such character. where are you going on holiday and when? something to look forward to πŸ™‚ x


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