Where Eagles Bear at Corfe Castle

I love living in Dorset as we are blessed with beautiful scenery, great beaches and lots of fun things to do.

As it is half term this week, many attractions are holding special events and Corfe Castle is no exception.  If you have an annual National Trust Membership it is free to park and enter.  I highly recommend that you have one of these, especially if you are visiting Dorset as there is so much to see and do – you will get your money back within a two or three visits!

Corfe Castle are staging a Teddy Zipwire this half term and I am am not sure who was looking forward to it most – me or the kids!!

As Monday was such a beautiful day, we decided to head across to the Purbeck Hills in search of adventure and we weren’t disappointed!
Corfe Castle
As I had the double buggy with me (silly oversight), we couldn’t take the scenic path to the top, so I parked in Corfe itself and we walked up.  As soon as we were inside the grounds, the buggy was ditched and the kind man at the gate offered to look after it for me!
Corfe Castle
And they are off…….
There is something about big hills that make children want to run up them and roll back down again!!
Corfe Castle
Climbing hills
Even Eliza tried, but her little legs weren’t quite able to get her up the steepest slope!
Corfe Castle

Despite being a beautiful sunny day, the wind was whipping up and it was actually very nippy, but the walk up to the top certainly gave us good exercise!

Corfe Castle Teddy Zipwire
The zipwire runs from the right of the picture!

At the entrance to the castle, the bears were kitted out in their abseiling gear.  Isaac brought Mort the Monkey and Eliza, Alex the Lion which they got from London Zoo yesterday and as they were too light to go down on there own, the National Trusts Captain Ted. E. Bear and his colleague offered to take them down in a tandem jump.

Teddy's getting ready for the zipwire - Corfe Castle
Buttercup the Adventure cow passes out in shock!

We proceeded up to the top and who better to help carry the teddy’s than big brother!

Corfe Castle

It was quite a walk to the top – especially for Eliza, but she didn’t give up and managed it all by herself.

Once we were at the top, we were shocked by just how windy it was!  We checked the Teddy’s harnesses to make sure you they were extra tight and then they were off!
First up was Captain Ted. E. Bear and Mort the Monkey, to show the others how it was done:
Teddy Zip Wire - Corfe Castle
Next it was the turn of Frankie the Chelsea Bear:
Then Alex the Lion in another tandem:
And finally, Buttercup the Adventure cow finds that steely determination and makes the leap too!

Now the teddy’s had made their leap it was time to explore the castle and find the answers to the Teddy trail – another challenge set by the National Trust and pose for some pictures – of course!

Corfe Castle
We’re the Kings / Queen of the Castle

Poor Eliza almost got blown away!


And the only way I could get myself in a picture was with my shadow!

Corfe Castle

We made our way back down the hill, collected our Teddy’s who had been ably looked after by the National Trust team and handed in our challenge sheets.  The kids earned medals and the bears each got a certificate for bravery!!

Corfe Castle
Isaac with his medal

I wish I had brought some rotten fruit and vegetables with me (only kidding!) for this:

Corfe CastleCorfe CastleCorfe Castle

We then headed across to the dressing up tent at the bottom for some more fun!

Corfe Castle
The Knights of the Castle were defending the honour of young Princess Boo!
Corfe Castle
Princess Boo was unimpressed
Corfe Castle
Is there anyone in there?
Corfe Castle
Eliza preferred being a Knight

There was just time for a spot of medieval Snakes & Ladders with another family, although the kids were more happy rolling the giant die.

Corfe Castle
Rolling the Die
Corfe Castle
Medieval Snakes & Ladders

The Teddy Zipline is running until 23rd February, but there are lots events running throughout the year, keep you’re eye on the National Trust Website for more information!

Corfe Castle


Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

5 thoughts on “Where Eagles Bear at Corfe Castle”

  1. Im sorry but having watch the video I have to say ….your an idiot….lol….brilliant, dramatic music and commentary.
    Looks like a great day was had. We have national trust memberships as we have plenty of places round here where we can use them.

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  3. I love the Teddy zip wire! I would love a zip wire over our lake but the insurers not surprisingly would never let us. A Teddy zip wire could be the perfect alternative! I love the way the National Trust bring things to life with the dressing up tent and the zip wire, it makes the visit so much more fun for kids. Great videos!


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