Byron Bay Cookies – A Review

Firstly, let me apologise if you are on a New Years diet, but I am going to tempt your resolve.

I love cookies, so when I was offered some Byron Bay Cookies to review I just couldn’t say no!

I was sent quite a large selection to review, which consisted of Dotty, Triple Choc Fudge, Milk Choc Chunk, White Choc Chunk & Macadamia Nut, Sticky Date, Ginger & Walnut, Fig & Pecan and Lemon & Macadamia Nut Shortbread, plus some of their gluten free range – Gluten Free Triple Choc Fudge, Gluten Free White Choc Chip & Macadamia Nut, Gluten Free Strawberries & Clotted Cream, Gluten Free Sticky Date, Ginger & Walnut and Gluten Free Dotty.

We only have cookies as a treat, so after a very chilly walk along the beach I decided to warm us up with a hot chocolate and some cookies.  They were an immediate hit with everyone and tasted as good as they looked!

Byron Bay Cookies - Dotty
Isaac chose Dotty
Byron Bay Cookies - Triple Choc Fudge
Kian chose Triple Choc Fudge

As you can see from Kian’s it got eaten very quickly and the in the cookie experts own words it was “Just Right”.  Isaac took a little longer to eat his, but also concluded it was “Yummy”

Byron Bay Cookies - Gluten Free Dotty
Eliza had Gluten Free Dotty

The cookie was a little large for Eliza, but she ate almost half (plus all the smarties), and I finished off the rest.  I also managed to eat the Gluten Free Sticky Date, Ginger & Walnut which was absolutely divine.  The gluten free cookies are a little drier and crumblier than the original ones, but are still delicious.

The full range of Byron Bay Cookies has been approved by the Vegetarian Society and the Gluten Free range is also registered with Coeliac UK.   More information about the full range of Byron Bay Cookies can be found at and the cookies can be found in all good independent cafes, coffee shops and selected Health Food Shops.  They also produce a range of gluten-free mini cookie bites (125g) boxes which can be found in larger Sainsbury’s in the Free From section.

I cannot wait to try the others, but may save them for when the children are at school and if you fancy getting your hands on a selection box, then check out my giveaway here!

You can find Byron Bay Cookies on Twitter and Facebook for new products, news and offers.

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