My friend Tracy said to me the other day “you seem to take one step forward, then two steps back” and it certainly feels that way.
Having left my job at an Investment bank due to the cost if childcare and others factors we struggled on one wage at the beginning of the year until I completed my childcare training and got myself up and running as a childminder.
We have only just found our feet financially again and have now been dealing with another blow. Hubby has been made redundant!
His company was taken over back in the summer, but until a few weeks ago he thought his job was safe. It was then his new boss decided to try and bully him into taking a new job on half his salary. Anyone that knows my husband will know that he is not one to be bullied and I admire him so much for being strong and standing his ground.
He took advice from my friend who is at the top of her game as a senior HR manager, and fired off some very well worded emails to the powers that be. Whilst it may not have saved his job, his company have now had to restructure the correct way.
The government have also stitched us up, as in February this year they capped redundancy pay so there is no longer any decent settlements. You can also guarantee that if I phone up tax credits that they won’t help us either.
He has been going through the motions at work, whilst he goes through the consultation period and the numerous meetings that entails. His last meeting was on Saturday and he was told he didn’t have to stay until the end of the month, so today is his last day, and for the first time since he was 14 he hasn’t got a job. I have no doubt he will find something, but I just hope it is sooner rather than later as there is no way we can survive on my wages as a childminder!!
On a lighter note, he is here to help me at Half Term and I have a long list of household jobs that need doing – Mwhahahahahaha!!
Must be the time of year for struggles. We have entered bracket of non working family. Its soul destroying x
Commented on your post x
Sorry to hear that. Hope he finds something quickly. X
Thank you – me too!!
Oh no Kara, fingers crossed he finds something really soon. Glad you’re putting him to good use in the meantime! There seem to be a few streaks of bad luck doing the rounds. I do hope the universe cheers up soon, or else!
Yes, lots about sadly!! He has two interview lined up this week so fingers crossed!