If you missed my posts with the pictures from Bournemouth Air Festival, you can see them here……. Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 and Day 4.
We look forward to Bournemouth Air Festival every year, and make sure we take time off work to enjoy all four days of activities. This year the festival was later in the month than it usually is, which was a disappointment as it is normally held over Kian’s birthday and he enjoys the Red Arrows flypast just for him!!
Thursday is a quieter day for the air festival, and we use it to explore all the action on the beach, and decide where we will position ourselves for the next three days, as well as getting our tickets for the tour of HMS York, which was moored in Bournemouth Bay.
We did notice a substantial drop in stalls this year, and less free activities for the children to do. I am unsure whether this was down to the Olympics or just people cannot afford the pitches. There was still plenty to do however, and if I am honest the children are more than happy to play on the beach and paddle in the sea.
The Boys love Gun exhibits |
The Red Arrows opened the show at 3pm with a truly exceptional performance. It must have been an emotional performance for them, as this was the first time they had performed over Bournemouth Seafront, since the tragic accident at last years festival, which saw the loss of Red 4 – Flt Lt Jon Egging. This year the Red Arrows chose to fly as a 7, instead of 9 in tribute to the two pilots they lost last year. Flt Lt Sean Cunningham was killed in a separate accident and the below picture is that of their tribute manoeuvre, to which the whole of Bournemouth applauded!
Thursday also saw the unveiling of Bournemouth’s tribute up high on the East Cliff to Flt Lt Jon Egging and I hope you will agree that it is very fitting. You can donate to the
Jon Egging Trust here.
hijacked took advantage of the Deck Chairs laid out by
@jurassiccoastin and enjoyed the rest of the displays that the afternoon had to offer, which included The Hawk, Army Lynx, RAF Tucano and the Tigers. We made the decision not to stay for Night Air, as I had a mindee with me who was to be picked up and we knew it would be a long weekend.

Friday saw us get down earlier, as the displays started at 2pm – again with the Red Arrows commencing proceedings. We parked in our usual free spot (no I am not telling you where it is), and made our way down to the beach and our friend, Ben with the National Trust Deck Chairs (he even provided buckets and spades). The best thing about Bournemouth Air Festival is that not only is it free, but it is on the beach so the kids can play!!
The displays were much the same as yesterday, with but we were surprised with a Power Hour, which was not in the schedule. This involves the likes of the noisy aircraft such as the Tornado pair and Miss Demeanour!
In a change to normal events, this year saw the introduction of two music stages. The Wave 105.2FM stage, which required tickets, and the Corona Live Music Stage. We were very lucky to have won the ballot for tickets to The Wave 105.2 FM stage for that evening, so hubby took the boys along, whilst I took Isaac and Eliza home.
The boys were treated to Night Treats by the Brietling WingWalkers, Brendan O’Briens Flying Circus and the SWIP Twister Duo, before bouncing the night away to the likes of Amelia Lily, Newton Faulkner and Rizzle Kicks.
10pm saw a large Firework Display in tribute to Flt Lt Jon Egging and then they headed home.
Saturday – by far the busiest day. We met Optimus Prime on the East Cliff!
We saw the Marines perform an awesome beach landing:
We could barely move on the beach, but seeing as most of the action was in the air, it really didn’t matter! Today was probably the busiest display wise and saw the return of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight.
There was also a historic re-enactment featuring the Catalina, Messerschmit 109, Spitfire and P-51 Mustang. I was a little disappointed with this though, as they were re-inacting a famous rescue of a fallen airman in the North Sea. A Parachutist dropped into the water, and I was expecting the Catalina to actually land in the sea, but sadly she didn’t – she just flew off into the distance whilst we watched a pretend dog fight.
And today saw the return of my very favourite display………The Vulcan!! It approached almost silently and flew along the beach, before opening it’s throttles and roaring into action!!
We decided to stay in Bournemouth for the evening to watch Night Air, but made our way into the town centre to pick up some dinner first. The boys spotted the Airfix tent, and spent the next hour making their free models!!
Bournemouth Gardens had lots to see and do, including Punch & Judy, Fire Eaters, A Commando Combat display and Stilt Walkers.
We headed back to the beach, expecting Night Air to begin flying at around 7pm. There was nothing!!
We ambled along the promenade, but most stalls had packed away for the night, so there wasn’t much to see. By 7.30pm I tweeted Bournemouth Air to find out where the flying was and they came back to me that there wasn’t anything on tonight until 10pm and the fireworks!!!
If I am honest, there was no flying program in the brochure and I didn’t check, however – it was Saturday night and by far the busiest day of the event. It seemed like a huge opportunity missed and I know there were others that had travelled a long way for it. We took advantage of the quietness of the prom and posed with some Tank displays and then headed for the car, just in time to hear The Lovable Rogues on stage at the Wave 105.2FM stage.
Sunday was an early start. The boys had to be at the pier by 10.30am to get the boat out to HMS York, but they got up and ready without a fuss. As we approached Bournemouth it started to drizzle, which was a shame, but it didn’t dampen our spirits.
The boys headed off, and as it was raining, I decided to take the little ones into The Oceanarium for an hour. HMS York was a hit, with lots to see:

After I finished in the Oceanarium, I headed for the Vulcan tent, where I purchased Isaac a Flight suit and we got to meet the Tornado pilots. Not only did they sign a poster for Isaac, but they spoke to him about what it was like to fly a fast and noisy plane, and told him if he worked very hard he could do it too!! Sadly the Tornado is being decommissioned in 6 years, but there is an new plane in the pipelines!!
I then made my way along the promenade to watch the beach landings. I didn’t get it all on film, but here is a snippet.
Like the display the day before, I was a little disappointed as it wasn’t as dramatic as previous years. There wasn’t Marines abseiling from a helicopter into a landing craft as there was last year, or the hijacking of a Sunseeker, but it was enjoyable (and noisy) nonetheless.
Once this had finished, I made my way to the deckchairs and waited for the boys to return.
Sadly there were no Red Arrows on the Sunday, and the crowds were visibly less. However, there was still lots to see and the only displays that fell victim to the weather were The Tigers and the Wingwalkers. The boys even went swimming!!
Thank you Bournemouth for a wonderful time……..can’t wait for next year!!
29th August – 1st September 2013 – put it in your diary, we will see you there!!
This is a wonderful post, I love that there is so much going on at the Bornmouth Festival. My boys would adore it, especially watching the video clip which they watched with me. Hard to believe this was less than in previous years, I guess that is the recession biting. Thank you for linking with Country Kids.
You must bring them next year (if you can get time away – it is well worth it, even for a day!!
Omg wow what an amazing post. Looks and sounds like a really amazing day.
Highly recommended – especially as it was free!!
Sounds like a great festival. Such great photos.
Found via Coombemill’s country kids linky 🙂 x
Thank you x
My son was there with his girlfriend and proposed to her during the fireworks display!! I love the photos. It looks absolutely amazing. We used to go to Farnborough Airshow as kids. I love the Red Arrows …the monument is spectacular. (Here from Country Kids!)
Awww how sweet – they should get married on Bournemouth beach next year and have a red arrows flypast!!
Wow! You packed loads in to such a short space of time. I always like the idea of air festivals etc, but worry about getting bored in between. However, having the beach to keep you occupied helps!
Great action shots.
Popping over from Country Kids
The beach makes it more bearable as there is more for the kids to do. We didn’t hear “I’m bored” once!!
Hi! I know this is a year old now but I was wondering if you could help? We have just moved to Bournemouth and I have promised my nearly 4 year old that we will go, (he is very excited as he is very into planes at the moment!) just wondered if you had any tips for taking small ones? (we have never been before!) Nowhere else seems to have any!
Hi! I know you posted this a year ago now but just wondering if you had any tips for taking small ones to the air festival? (can’t seem to find any anywhere else!) We live in Bournemouth but only moved here a few months ago and have never been before. I want to take the children as my nearly 4 year old will love it, just a bit nervous about the idea of small children and so many people! (the other is 18 months so would be in a pushchair) Thanks!