June – the most expensive month in my calendar!

Next month is the most expensive in our calendar and the hints for presents are coming in thick and fast.

June consists of both teens birthdays (bad planning on my part), as well as the MIL, my God-Daughter, my two step sisters and *ahem* mine! 

Plus it’s Fathers Day too.

The kids have come up with a long list of demands requests which we just cannot afford and I have to admit I am struggling for ideas.  It is fairly easy to get presents on a budget for little ones as they don’t know any different, but when you are dealing with teens it’s a whole other kettle of fish.

I find it a real struggle to get past the “Well, Jim Bobs mum gets him the latest designer togs, PS3 games, car etc” and I really do wish that I could afford to spoil them.

I know life isn’t about getting stuff, and we should all be grateful for what we’ve got – just try telling that to a teenager!

Any ideas – please let me know………………………………………

6 thoughts on “June – the most expensive month in my calendar!”

  1. My youngest teenager (13) has asked that we do something together as a family so the plan is a trip to Go Ape with dad and two older brothers and me of course screeching in the background with fear. Sometimes experiences they can recall when older count for more than a new game for the XBox so think about a family outing. Sounds a bit corny but I think he is right on this one.

  2. We did that a couple of years ago with him and I have promised his little brother we will do that for his birthday. Trouble is theme parks are so expensive but thank you for the tip.
    If you haven’t yet booked Go Ape I have a code for 25% off before the end of July – MISS25 – Good Luck – you will love it x

  3. Know what you mean about the demands as they get older. Just be thankful your birthday month is June. My family, OH, both kids, Mum, Dad, Brother and nephews all fall between October and February along with Christmas! – It’s a nightmare! Good luck with the pressies.

  4. It is hard when they all fall at the one time, in fact its hard in general to give them everything they want. My oldest is Xmas eve, my hubby is beginning of Jan and youngest is end of Jan so that’s our expensive time. x


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