Potty Training 6 Weeks In!

Sebastian and I are now 6 weeks in to our potty training journey and I am surprised by how well he has done.

Our first month of potty training was a bit up and down but now he has so much control of his bladder that he can hold on for wee if we are not right near a toilet and is even dry at night which never happened with my others. I think having Lightening McQueen pants really helped as he adores them and doesn’t want to get them wet.

In the last two weeks we have had not one, but two camping breaks. The first one to Crealy Meadows was a bit of a disaster on the potty training front if I am honest. Within a couple of hours of getting there he had done through every single pair of shorts and trousers I had taken with me which resulted in an emergency trip to the supermarket to buy some more. For the rest of the weekend he was fine, although he wore pull ups for the remainder of our visit, so I think it was just the excitement of being somewhere new!

Last weekend it was camping break number 2 at Camp Bestival and I was nervous of a repeat of the week before so took plenty of clothing changes as there is so much going on I know it’s easy to forget you need a wee and the queues for the loos can be horrendous. Sebby was fantastic partly due to the fact he loved flushing the portaloos to see the blue water and had no accidents at all.

As for poo’s in the potty, this is still work in process. He is still going in his pants or a pull-up, however, he now knows the feeling that he needs to go and will ask to sit on the potty. Invariably he will get up having done nothing and then go and hide in a corner and go unless I catch him as he is going.

We are currently at stage 3 of the potty training process which is all about practice. Sebastian has started to remove his clothing when he needs to sit on the potty, although we have not yet mastered pulling it all back up again afterwards and we have a good routine in place which has really helped.

We have our cruise coming up at the end of next week and he won’t be allowed to swim in the pool unless he is fully potty trained. Sebastian loves swimming and we have explained this in the hope that it pushes him to go for a poo in the potty and fingers crossed it is working………..he has managed two poos on the potty in the last two days!!

We have filled up two sticker charts now and have just started a third one, which is now just for dry nights and poo’s on the potty. He loves earning his stickers and choosing a toy and is now saving for yellow mater………now I just have to find one!

Here is our latest potty training vlog:

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16 thoughts on “Potty Training 6 Weeks In!”

  1. Potty training is so difficult, my friends daughter took to it quickly but wasn’t sure about the toilet as she got bigger!

  2. He sounds like he is doing really well – and good on you for persevering on camping trips as well. Sticker charts and treats are definitely the way forwards! x

  3. Sounds like it’s going well. I carried a potette around with me for years once mine were potty training. I don’t think I could have managed without it

  4. Well done Sebastian 🙂 What a good boy! I have to be honest, potty training fills me with dread, not that I ever used a potty (I think I have a phobia of them) my kids went straight to the toilet. It was easy for most of them, but one of them has been a completely different story.


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