Sebby’s Two Year Check

Despite Sebby being not quite two years old he had his two year check with the Health Visitor yesterday.

Around four weeks ago we were sent a checklist and ask to tick boxes next to what he could and could not do.  We could pick one of three check boxes: :  “Yes” / “Sometimes” and “Not Yet” against each task that was listed and I was pleased that Sebastian could do most of the things on list, about from the speech.

Gross Motor Skills
• Walking & Running without falling – Yes
• Able to walk upstairs & downstairs holding on and using two feet per step – Yes
• Able to throw ball forward without falling over – Yes
• Walks into ball to kick it – Yes

Fine Motor Skills
• Builds a tower of 5-6 bricks – Sometimes (he prefers us to build them and him knock them down)
• Imitates a circular scribble and straight line – Not Yet, he still scribbles
• Able to turn the single pages of a book – Yes

• Recognises pictures of animals and everyday objects e.g. cup, apple, banana in picture books – Yes
• No squint seen – None

Communication & Hearing
• Able to name 3-5 pictures or objects – Not Yet
• May have about fifty understandable words and understands more – Not Yet
• Beginning to make little sentences of two words e.g. “mummy’s keys” – Not Yet
• Able to tell you what he needs – Sometimes
• Able to carry out simple instructions – Yes

Social Skills & Behaviour
• Plays with toys meaningfully and in make believe play – Sometimes
• Has little idea of sharing but may be beginning to take turns – Sometimes
• Plays alongside other children rather than with them – Yes
• Very possessive of own toys – Yes
• Drinks from a cup and able to feed self with spoon – Yes
• Very curious and tries to investigate everything and has no concept of danger – Yes
• Temper tantrums when frustrated but easily distracted – Yes
• May have toilet awareness e.g. know when wet or soiled – Yes


The Health Visitor weighed and measured Sebby before settling down to score his sheet.  Like Isaac poor Sebby is on the 0.4 centile for his height at just 80cm which means he is likely to reach the height of 5ft 5″ – I do hope they are wrong as Daddy is 5ft 8″,  but only time will tell, and he weighs in at 27lb.

He scored brilliantly on his Gross and Fine Motor Skills and vision, but fell into the concerned category for his speech so we need to go back in 3 months for him to be re-assessed.  His Social Skills and behaviour are average and she wants to check this too when we go back in September.

From my work as a childminder and having raised 5 other children successfully I know they all develop at different rates and have no concerns about his speech myself.  He makes himself known and can say a handful of words but the poor boy has 5 siblings that do his talking for him and Eliza just doesn’t stop talking and no-one can get a word in edgeways.

The Health Visitor also had some general health questions and we have been referred back to the GP as he has recurrent tonsilitis and he snores loudly, so she thinks his adenoids may need removing.  Just have to wait to be seen until 9th July!

All in all I am happy with the way it went, we just need to persuade our little man to talk!

18 thoughts on “Sebby’s Two Year Check”

  1. Sounds like he is doing well. You know your children better than anyone else and you are a fab mummy. Let us know how he gets on when you go back in 3 months, I am sure everything will be fine x

  2. Can’t believe he’s nearly 2 already. Good that you are laid back about some of the development areas – I think we can push too hard and worry too much as parents.

  3. He is so so adorable! I cannot believe he is almost two though… it doesn’t seem 2 minutes since I met you at Cybher when you were pregnant x

  4. Awww he is such a cutie!! I think Xavier took longer to string sentences together than Izzy did but once he started no-one was able to stop him! Sounds like a great 2 year check to me! They are all so different like you say xx

  5. My son’s height at his two year review was about 84cm and I was told he would never be taller than 5ft 4 (and I’m 5ft 7!) It seems that if you’re not a giant at 2 years old you never will be!

  6. I think he is doing great. My niece used to mumble along and then suddenly around 2.5 years old started speaking in sentences rather than just words x

  7. I think that children are all different and as his mum you know best and as you say you have done this all before. He may be small, but he certainly is mighty as they say!

  8. Aww what a cute little boy you have! Sounds like the check went well to me and hope he’s okay on July!

  9. It sounds like he’s doing just brilliantly to me. You are spot on about kids developing at different rates and it makes a difference when they have siblings

  10. Good Grief – this is nothing like Pickle’s two year check!? Gross motor what!! 😉 i was asked a few questions, built some bricks and shown some pictures! Good job I had no concerns. Kaz x


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